How high are legacy taxes in Poland?
Polish property gifts and inheritances are subject to taxation. These taxes are payable by the beneficiaries. Tax is levied less debts and related expenses on the market value of the property. دليل The tax rates are based on the value of the inherited property and the relationship between the deceased and the recipients. Three categories of beneficiaries exist: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Part of the inheritance is tax-free and the tax-free amount depends on the classification of the beneficiary. Category 1 recipients are married, child and stepchild, children and sons and daughters-in-law, parents, step-parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters). The tax-free amount for beneficiaries of Category 1 is PLN9,637 (€2,328). CATEGORY 1 BENEFICIARY INHERITANCE TAX BASIC TAX, PLN €) TAXIVE RATE 0% up to 9.637 (€2.142) 9,637 to 10,278 (€2,284) 3% 10,278 - 20,556 (Euros 4,568) Five percent More than 20,556 (€4,568) 7% Source: Guide to Global Property The heritage and donations to the re...