
Showing posts from June, 2021

How high are legacy taxes in Poland?

Polish property gifts and inheritances are subject to taxation. These taxes are payable by the beneficiaries. Tax is levied less debts and related expenses on the market value of the property. دليل The tax rates are based on the value of the inherited property and the relationship between the deceased and the recipients. Three categories of beneficiaries exist: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Part of the inheritance is tax-free and the tax-free amount depends on the classification of the beneficiary. Category 1 recipients are married, child and stepchild, children and sons and daughters-in-law, parents, step-parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters). The tax-free amount for beneficiaries of Category 1 is PLN9,637 (€2,328). CATEGORY 1 BENEFICIARY INHERITANCE TAX BASIC TAX, PLN €) TAXIVE RATE 0% up to 9.637 (€2.142) 9,637 to 10,278 (€2,284) 3% 10,278 - 20,556 (Euros 4,568) Five percent More than 20,556 (€4,568) 7% Source: Guide to Global Property The heritage and donations to the re...

Assets can be given freely during the owner's lifetime.

Polish law does not restrict the administration of personal assets. Such assets may be donated freely. However, a donor declaration must be made through a notarial deed. A legal representative of a person without legal capacity may request the termination of a donation agreement that has been concluded while the donor has full legal capacity, provided that the donation is excessive due to the value and lack of justification. After two years have elapsed from implementation, the termination of a donation agreement cannot be requested. مواضيع نقاش Minors must have legal representatives. Legal representatives. There are no obstacles to minors who inherit a will. When a person (including a minor) is inherited, he/she becomes an ex lege beneficiary at the time of his/her death. In principle, legal representatives of a minor do not need to take specific action but legal representatives must represent a minor in court proceedings. The deceased's relatives are authorized for a reserved p...

Where to buy in Poland

Poland lies in Europe's very heart. It is full of history, its culture enriched by about a dozen ethnic peoples. It also has natural diversity, from the sea to the mountains and lakes to the sand dunes. Warsaw's capital still bears the scars of World War II, not the most beautiful city in Europe. Drab building blocks and social-realistic architecture from the Soviet post-war period take up much of the skyline. But in the six years since Poland joined the European Union, new glitzy luxury hotels have come into being and it is always worth visiting in the richly historic city of Stare Miasto. اعلانات The incredible cultural and natural wealth of Poland is a unique combination from the historical treasures and beautiful architectural sites of Cracow to the spectacular Tatra Mountains to the South. The country has one of the best preserved collections of medieval wooden architecture. It's mainly roman Catholic in sacred architecture and has some of the orthodox and Jewish tra...

In Italian law, a reserved portion is applicable.

In Italian law, some family members are entitled, even against the will, to receive a fixed portion of the property of the deceased. This law is referred to as the necessary succession. The law reserves the following persons a portion of the heritage: دليل The spouse is reserved for half the property, except if the deceased leaves children. Article 540 of the Italian Civil Code reserves the right of the spouse to occupy and use the family home even if other heirs exist; If only one child, legitimate or natural, is left by a parent, half the estate is reserved. If more than one child is left, the children will be divided into equal parts and receive two thirds of the estate; If the deceased only leaves legitimate ancestors, then they are entitled to 1/3 of the estate. If the deceased leaves a spouse with only one child, both have the right to receive one third of the estate. If the deceased leaves a wife with more than one child, the wife earns one fourth of the estate and all the ch...

Property may be donated during the owner's lifetime.

According to substantive Italian law, every person can freely give property to third parties during his lifetime. The gift must be owned by a donor (i.e. the gift of future goods is null) and the donation must be made by a notary public act in the presence of two witnesses.  مواضيع نقاش Heirs may legally restore the portion that has been reserved. The deceased may freely disposal a portion of the property (available portion) only with a gift or a will since the forced heirs must inherit a portion (reserved portion). Unless the reserved part is complied with, the forced heirs have a specific legal action known as 'azione di riduzione' at their disposal that allows them to restore the reserved portion. To determine whether or not a testator has damaged the rights of forced heirs by making donations in his/her life for the benefit of third parties, or certain forced heirs, the entity owned by the testator is to be calculated at the time of the estate's opening. The total val...

Where to buy in Indonesia

Indonesian Properties The Republic of Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country. With 17,508 islands spread across the Equator, it is the largest archipelago nation, although only 6,000 are inhabited. اعلانات Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan (shared with Borneo), New Guinea (shared with Papua New Guinea) and Sulawesi are five largest islands, respectively. Its geographical situation on the Pacific, Asian and Australian plateaus makes the country susceptible to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The most recent seismic disaster was the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006 and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh (northern Sumatra). Ironically speaking, volcanic ash is why lands in Java and Bali are fertile in agriculture, sustaining large populations. The tropical climate of Indonesia has two different monsoon seasons: wet and dry. The country supports the second highest level of biodiversity in the world because of its size, geography and climate. Unfortunately, Indonesia also faces many ser...

Monetary policy should be retained unless there are substantial risks.

The framework for inflation targeting played an important role in the policy response to the pandemic. However, the recent increase in inflation poses a monetary policy challenge. While inflation expectations remain anchored, and inflation is expected to return to its target without further policy measures, due to the high degree of uncertainty, policy decisions on vigilance and data would remain vital. The use of unconventional monetary policies is not currently warranted, as there is still room for policy rate relief if needed. As a result of the pandemic subsidy, CBI should also reduce its foreign-exchange presence gradually . دليل The financial system has been in a strong position in the crisis, but emerging risks must be addressed. Capital and liquidity buffers remain well above requirements, enhancing their ability to withstand further shocks and the expected deterioration of their loan portfolios. Protecting the favorable financial positions of banks however requires close mon...

The Icelandic economy performed better than expected at the beginning of the pandemic

 The Icelandic economy performed better than expected at the beginning of the pandemic with strong political support. The outlook remains challenging, however. This year a modest recovery is planned, but uncertainty remains large. The prospective recovery in the tourism and economic sector depends on epidemic control and progress in global and domestic vaccine distribution. مواضيع نقاش Economic policies should continue to promote recovery and mitigate risks that emerge. The planned stimulus for this year will help address the economy's still slackening, reduce scarcity and create trust in the event of downside risks. Medium-term policies should facilitate resource transfer to more productive sectors and the reconstruction of fiscal buffers. With inflation higher than the target group and inflation expectations anchored, the CBI now needs to remain vigilant. Intervention on foreign exchange should continue to taper off. Macroprudential measures should address emerging risks to the...

Overview of the market

No secret, Iceland is a costly place to live. After the 2009 recession, domestic prices rose as the country became a world tourism destination and supply of housing was limited. But, in the last few years, prices began to cool as developers rushed to build new buildings in and around the capital region. The market struck again last year when WOW Air, one of the two main airlines in Iceland, shut down, damaging the tourism market. According to Statistics Iceland, the national residential price index rose by about 4.2 percent over July 2018, marking its slowest growth in five years . اعلانات Asdis Osk Valsdottir, Husaskjol Real Estate's Managing Director, said that, before the pandemic a house in Selfoss could sell between 40 and 50 million crowns, the same as a three-bedroom house in Reykjavik. Houses in the capital area currently cost between 80 and 110 million kronur ($590,000-$800,000) and apartments between 50 and 64 millions kronur ($365,000-$470,000), according to Iceland...


Rent: Can the owner and tenant agree to rent in Colombia free of charge? Lease agreements may be concluded orally or in written form and the rent may be made freely by agreement between the property owner and tenant, although the monthly rent shall not amount to more than 1% of the commercial value of the residence or of the part of the property under the lease. The commercial value of such a property cannot at the time of the contract exceed two times the cadastre value of the residence. دليل Apartments for sale in Colombia The rent can be fixed in any currency, but it must be paid in Colombian pesos at the exchange rate in force at the time of the contract, if it is set in a foreign currency, unless the parties otherwise agree. The rent can be increased every 12 months after the lease agreement has been executed. The increase for the immediately preceding calendar year cannot exceed 100 percent of the Consumer Price Index. In any case, the new rent must conform to the above paramet...

Cook Islands Islands

Rents: Can landlord and tenant in Cook Island agree to rents freely? The rental between the landlord and the tenant can be freely agreed. What rights do landlords and landlords have on Cook Island, in particular for contract duration and expulsion? مواضيع نقاش The landlord and tenant are free, as they see fit, to negotiate a residential tenancy agreement over (few) statutory conditions. The Cook Islands residential tenancy law is neither pro-landlord nor pro-local. It is pro-negotiational because the law imposes minimum restrictions on the landlord and tenant but rather gives priority to the tenancy arrangements agreed by the respective parties. In the Cook Islands, the use of written tenancy agreements is common practice. Standard terms include tenancy periods, rental, landlord and tenant obligations and covenants and termination notices. If a tenancy agreement has been concluded, it shall be deemed by one month in writing to be a tenancy terminable (in the absence of any evidence t...

Costa Rican Republic

Costa Rica's landlord and tenant law is PRO-TENANT. Coastal properties of Costa Rica Houses for sale Oceanview Rent: Can tenant and landlord freely agree to rent in Costa Rica? اعلانات Initially, rents can be negotiated freely between landlord and tenant. In order to increase rent, the parties must agree to increase the annual rent in the agreement. If no agreement exists, the landlord can fill in the claim to increase the rent on an annual basis. The annual increase for housing cannot be higher than 15% of the fixed rent. In order to increase the inflation of the country to more than 15 percent, it must be above 15 percent and the increase in rents must be based on a certification of State inflation. Where housing rent is agreed in US dollars or other foreign currency, there is no annual increase. Only in cases of agreements in colones, the Costa Rican currency, is a rental increase allowed. Deposits Security deposits to cover pending rental payments or any other tenant obligat...

Take a tour of a modernist apartment in New York City. That's All There Is to It When It Comes to Brazilian Design!

When Bonobos founder Andy Dunn and his wife, Manuela Zoninsein, bought their three-bedroom apartment on the historic Great Jones Street in New York City, they recognized that having an open floor plan was essential. They both come from large families (hers Brazilian, his American, Indian, and Scandinavian) and like entertaining. Moving into a larger home with fewer walls made sense after welcoming their first child, Izzo, in October 2020. The couple turned to their trusty friend, New York interior designer Becky Shea, for help, and she did not disappoint. Shea, who also furnished the couple's former Greenwich Village apartment, says, "I built the layout with the primary goal of entertaining in mind." “Working with Becky on our previous home and again on this one was a lot of fun since she has a good feel of our aesthetic,” Zoninsein says. This second residence reflects that aesthetic, which includes a great admiration for Brazilian modernism. Glass, wood, and stone—all of...

This Modernist Wooden Beach House Is Located on the Danish Coast's Northern Tip!

  Skagen, Denmark's farthest north, is situated on a long peninsula with beaches jutting out between two oceans. Standing on the cliff's edge, one may witness waves from the Kattegat marine area crash into North Sea seas . مواضيع نقاش Architect Mathias Brockdorff spent his childhood vacations there, and now he's erected a classic and modern mansion on the dunes. Inside, the house is the perfect gathering spot for his large family. The painted walls and thatched roof pay homage to Skagen's "black period" in the 1870s, when charred timbers from nearby shipwrecks were used to build residences. “Skagen is really a lovely place,” Brockdorff says. “When I was a kid, we used to come up here a lot. My parents have a little house, approximately 35 square meters in size, and it is located in a remote place. The first sketches were done three or four years ago, but the real beginning point was the family's enlargement. I now have two children, and my sister has jus...

Planning for land use in Denmark!

  Plan for Danish land use Land use planning is carried out in Denmark at three levels: The plans of the national state; Municipal planning (structural plan); Plans for local development. The Danish Planning Act and national state plans regulate national land use. The Planning Act was issued in 1991 by the Danish Parliament and was subject to a number of revisions and amendments since then. The current Act has been in force since 2018. اعلانات In Danish municipalities, local and more specific land use planning is based (98 municipalities in total). The municipal plan describes the future development of land use in the municipality and provides general guidance on land use for property. The municipal government can adopt local development plans for smaller areas within the municipality and provide for more specific regulations on land use, building heights, parcel ratios etc. with reference to the Municipal Plan. A local development plan for this area must be adopted before large...

How do I report a general complaint or deal with a noise problem in my building?

If you have a problem with your living environment, whether it's with your apartment or with something else in your building, the first thing you should do is contact your landlord. Discussing difficulties with your landlord, like the rent conflicts addressed previously in the article, is always the first step in resolving a quarrel.  دليل If you are experiencing loud noise in your building, you should notify your landlord as soon as possible, detailing the dates and hours of the noise. You should also describe the noise's characteristics and its source. All of this should be documented in writing. Following this chat with your landlord, they should issue a formal warning to the noisy renter, detailing the dates and times of the disturbance, and encouraging the tenant to behave better in the future. Hopefully, the behavior will alter and the noise will no longer be an issue. If the noise persists, the complaint may be brought before the rental housing board or a housing cour...

The hassle-free solution for Europe's international residents!

  Few things are more exciting than a new life abroad. But you probably also realize how many practical challenges you will face, if you are worldly enough to take the leap . مواضيع نقاش Housing is one of the biggest headaches for international residents in many European cities. According to a study, half of all property rentals in Paris are illegal, while many German cities have seen "rental insanity" marches. It's not what newcomers want to hear. But how about moving to a large apartment, fully equipped, cleaned and flexible to suit your living? All this can be achieved with LifeX, if you need a place in Copenhagen, Vienna, Paris, Berlin, Munich or London. Residents say the apartments are great ways to make new friends with a diverse range of international professionals. Hassle-free housing: see what you get when you move into Life X Clean, stylish and always comfortable "Everyone today knows that time is the only thing you can't buy from," Paul Sephton, a...

The Danish government's efforts to combat "rent hike" home speculation has failed!

The Danish government's proposal to prohibit large corporations from investing in rental property, hence raising rents, has failed.  اعلانات Following a breakdown in legislative negotiations, opposition parties and the center-left Social Liberal (Radikale Venstre) have banded together to prevent the government's proposal from being implemented. In a statement, the opposing parties said they seek an intervention that does not depreciate existing property, does not involve the state in financing repairs, and does not harm cooperative housing [Danish: andelsboliger, ed.]. Without the involvement of the government, the opposition parties and the Social Liberals will try to pass laws to that goal. “We feel that such an intervention is realistic,” the Liberals, Danish People's Party, Social Liberals, Conservative Party, and Nye Borgelige (New Right) stated in an united statement. The parties have a total of 91 seats in parliament, which is enough to enact legislation. Accordin...

Hunting flat in Prague!

You have no shortage of options to weigh if you are looking to buy, rent or share an apartment. In the Czech Republic there are hundreds of websites and agencies specializing in immobilization; most of them are English-speaking. One of the most important decisions you make is choosing an apartment – where you live, particularly in a city like Prague, will greatly affect your lifestyle. An agency can help but should never be relied on; you must do a lot of your own research to find the perfect location. دليل One major resource is the Czech Immobilien Server ( - one of the largest rental / sale property compilations you find in English, easy to navigate and easy to search (by area, budget, size, etc.). Most listings come from agencies so you may not find the best deal, but it's a great way to get an idea of what is on the market. ( is a spinoff for and Real Property Servers, a nice concept that allows inde...

Mortgage Frequently Asked Questions!

  If you're thinking about getting a mortgage, go to to find the best mortgage rates in the Czech Republic. Is it better to buy an old or new apartment or house? What is more advantageous, safer, or faster is a difficult question to answer because each choice has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The buyer's requirements and capabilities will ultimately determine the decision. When purchasing an ancient flat or house, there is a certain amount of risk involved, and such a purchase will necessitate a number of inquiries, such as the condition of the entire real estate (not just the unit), the roof, the elevator, windows, and other shared spaces. Will there be any additional costs that aren't included in the purchase price? مواضيع نقاش In comparison, a new flat or house will last approximately 2-3 years. All potential difficulties and investments are covered by the guarantee. However, the cost of purchasing a new flat or house will be higher, and you...

Property buying?

You plan to start business in the Czech Republic, but you have no premises? Do you want to go and buy your own home, or do you need land for your property development plans? We will assist you in finding a solution to your problems. اعلانات Non-residents who do not have permanent residence or have legal persons headquartered in the Czech Republic could buy property in the Czech Republic before the Czech Republic enters the European Union. Following the accession and especially after the adoption of the recent Foreign Exchange Act amendment, the acquisition of real-estate property in the Czech Republic has become much easier for foreigners, and particularly for nationals of the Member States of the European Community. Although real estate in the Czech Republic may be owned by anyone under certain circumstances, it is not always so simple. Although no limits are imposed on a certain number of persons in this regard, other cases may differ regarding persons wishing to acquire a Czech p...