Assets can be given freely during the owner's lifetime.
Polish law does not restrict the administration of personal assets. Such assets may be donated freely. However, a donor declaration must be made through a notarial deed. A legal representative of a person without legal capacity may request the termination of a donation agreement that has been concluded while the donor has full legal capacity, provided that the donation is excessive due to the value and lack of justification. After two years have elapsed from implementation, the termination of a donation agreement cannot be requested. مواضيع نقاش
Minors must have legal representatives. Legal representatives.
There are no obstacles to minors who inherit a will. When a person (including a minor) is inherited, he/she becomes an ex lege beneficiary at the time of his/her death. In principle, legal representatives of a minor do not need to take specific action but legal representatives must represent a minor in court proceedings.
The deceased's relatives are authorized for a reserved part.
In Poland, the fundamental rule of heritage law is the freedom to make a will. The right to the reserved portion is granted when a testator has made a will and has appointed or disinherited persons outside the immediate family, or when a portion of the heritage given to a relative does not cover the reserved statutory portion to which he/she has the right.
The authorized persons for the reserved portion are limited to:
The progeny of the testator, but if nobody survives, then grandchildren, grandchildren (descendants);;
The wife;
Testator's parents, but only if the testator doesn't leave descendants and are automatically appointed as heirs.
Children, spouses and parents of a testator, who would automatically have been designated as heirs according to the statute, are eligible for half the part of the heritage they are entitled to in accordance with the Statute. If the recipient is permanently incapable of working or a minor, however, he/she is entitled to two thirds of that portion.
If a natural person does not leave automatic heritage, he or she inherits the province or the State Treasury. The district inherits when the testator's last residence is in Poland. However, the State Treasury inherits if it is outside the country.
A will made by an alien is valid when carried out in accordance with the law of the country in which the will was drawn up.
It is not customary to make a will in Poland. Public opinion research centers show that only a few percent of Poles are willing.
The Polish Supreme Court takes the position that, in order for the foreigner's will to become valid in Poland, the will is sufficient for the law to be established in the country where it has been established regardless of the property included in the heritage.
Anyone in Poland who wants to do a will must have full legal ability. He/she/it must be 18 years old and not legally disabled. A will cannot be done by a legal agent or proxy. The will can only be done in one of the legal forms permitted. A will can be made in Poland by three methods:
This type of will must be written by the testator in the testator's own hand (handwritten will) and signed and dated by him;
By a public notary (as a notarial deed)
Prior to the District Administrator (wójt) (mayor or president of the City), District Secretary (sekretarz gminy) or the Registrar of the Births and Marriages Office, two witnesses were present (the will is made orally before an official and two witnesses).
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