Planning for land use in Denmark!


Plan for Danish land use

Land use planning is carried out in Denmark at three levels:

The plans of the national state;

Municipal planning (structural plan);

Plans for local development.

The Danish Planning Act and national state plans regulate national land use. The Planning Act was issued in 1991 by the Danish Parliament and was subject to a number of revisions and amendments since then. The current Act has been in force since 2018. اعلانات

In Danish municipalities, local and more specific land use planning is based (98 municipalities in total).

The municipal plan describes the future development of land use in the municipality and provides general guidance on land use for property.

The municipal government can adopt local development plans for smaller areas within the municipality and provide for more specific regulations on land use, building heights, parcel ratios etc. with reference to the Municipal Plan. A local development plan for this area must be adopted before large building and construction projects are carried out and an area developed.

The municipality can grant dispensation from the local development plan if the dispensation does not contradict the overall principles in the plan. Instead, it is necessary to adopt a new local development plan.

In addition, land use may be restricted in certain areas by natural protection regulations.

The division aims to ensure that buildings and facilities are placed sparsely in the open air and to ensure urban development in places where this is intended and planned.

Different development possibilities are connected to the specific zoning.

A permit is required in rural areas for the construction of new buildings or changes in the use of existing buildings.

Summer house areas are set out in a local plan and national restrictions apply to permanent housing and foreigners' rights to buy summer houses in those areas.

In urban areas, the landowner has the right, in accordance with a local development plan, to build buildings, etc. The municipality can however issue a ban to obstruct this development and must subsequently propose a new local development plan within a year.

In the Municipal Plan and in the local development plans, a change of the area classification from a rural area to an urban area or a summer house area is regulated.

Construction permits are also required

A building permit shall be issued before buildings are erected, in addition to the local development plan or rural area permission.

The authorities and the Danish system of appeals

The municipality shall be the competent authority to issue the municipal plan and local development plans. The plans are subject to public hearings before they are adopted. The deadline for adopting a new local plan is between four and 12 months.

The municipality shall also be responsible for approving exemptions from development plans, permits for rural areas and building permits.


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